What are the most effective Biomechanics for a netball shot?

Biomechanics is the field of science concerned with the mechanical laws, and internal and external forces acting on the human body and the resultant effects of these forces (Blazevich, 2010). Analysing sports and specific skills within these sports from a biomechanical perspective, allows us to manipulate these factors and forces for an effective technique.

In Australia, netball proves to be a very popular sport with one million people reported to participate nationwide (Netball Australia, 2015). Goal shooting is one of the most important components of netball as it is critical to the success of a team. Therefore, goal shooters must understand the most effective biomechanics of a netball shot to ensure accuracy from a range of shooting positions.

At the end of this blog you should:
·         Know the most effective technique for a successful netball shot
·         Know how this technique ensures accuracy in relation to biomechanical factors
·         Understand how this information can be applied elsewhere

Major Question
What are the most effective biomechanics for a successful netball shot?

The Answer
The most effective biomechanics for a successful netball shot can be conveyed in three phases: preparation, force production and release.

Preparation Phase

Balance/ Centre of Gravity
Static and dynamic balance are both important skills within a game of netball. Static balance however is the vital first step in developing an effective shooting technique. As Blazevich (2010) explains, “The point around which all the particles of the body are evenly distributed, and therefore the point at which we could place a single weight vector is the body’s centre of gravity.”
../../../../Screen%20Shot%202017-06-19%20at%206.29.32%20pm.pngIn a netball shot, this is found through a stance where knees are slightly bent and shoulder width apart, an engaged and upright trunk, slightly leaning backwards and head upright. This stance achieves balance and a stable position to take a shot from. Additionally, it creates a base of support.
Figure 1: Knees bent in order to create a balanced base of support and lower the centre of  gravity.

Base of Support

A solid base of support is crucial for the following process of shooting a goal. If a person’s centre of gravity is outside of their base of support (legs not shoulder width apart or trunk leaning to one side etc.), the base of support is minimised and steady balance will not be achieved (Steele, 1993). Therefore, the effective technique discussed previously, increases one’s core stability and allows the centre of mass to remain directly above the base of support.

Positioning the Netball
Once a solid base of support has been established, the player will put the netball into their ‘ready position’. This involves placing the netball on the fingertips of the dominant hand and placing the other hand lightly on the side of the ball to steady it and during the release, guide the netball shot (BBC Sport, 2005).
Figure 2: Natalie Medhurst of Australia, placing the ball into her ‘ready position’ (Walshe, 2014).

Potential/Kinetic Energy

Two forms of mechanical energy that also form part of the biomechanical process are potential energy (PE) and kinetic energy (KE). Potential energy refers to energy referring to the position of an object before motion (Blazevich, 2010). Following this, kinetic energy is then related to an object in motion. While taking a netball shot, there are two instances where both PE and KE play a role. When the arms and legs flex just prior to release of the ball, the potential for energy is created before it is turned into kinetic energy when limbs are extended and pushed upward. Additionally, the ball holds its own PE when it is sitting in the player’s hand, prior to being released. The ball is not yet in motion but has the possibility to become KE. When the player takes the shot at goal, the energy then becomes KE. The ball is now in motion as the player applies force to the ball allowing it to accelerate towards the goal.

Figure 3: Stages of Potential and Kinetic Energy of both the ball and the arm/wrist flexion and extension

Distance from Goal Post

Another factor affecting the accuracy of a shot is the distance a player is positioned from the goal post. Having a shot from a further distance requires changes in the biomechanics of the shooting action. These can include but are not limited to the flexion of both arms and knees which affects release height, trajectory and amount of force produced (Steele, 1993). These factors will be discussed in more depth throughout the remainder of the blog. Ultimately the accuracy of the shot is suggested to decrease the further away the shot is taken and the netball shooter should constantly be aiming to shoot close to the goal post (Knudson, 2007).

Force Production Phase
Newton’s 3rd Law
Newton’s third law states “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction” (Blazevich, 2010, p. 45). Force production through the body results in a vertical (downward) force into the ground, the ground then exerts an equal and opposite force back into the body causing it to lift off the ground depending on the amount of force produced, known as ground reaction force (Blazevich, 2010). If the player is far away from the goal ring, more force and ground reaction force must be produced for the ball to reach the ring.

Kinetic Chain
All human motion involves the complex coordination of individual movements about several joints at the same time (Blazevich, 2010). This chain of motion is most commonly referred to as the kinetic chain. Within a netball shot, this occurs through the simultaneous flexion of knees, elbows and wrists (see figure 3), resulting in a great total force production. This provides an effective performance outcome because each part of the movement has its own individual force and when combined produce a great cumulative force.
Figure 4: Kinetic Chain – simultaneous flexion of movements to complete the netball shot.

Push-like movement
The two main categories within the kinetic chain are ‘push-like’ and ‘throw-like’ movements. The netball shot falls under the category of ‘push-like’ as it involves the simultaneous extension of joints in a single movement (Blazevich, 2010). The push-like movement is commonly used not just within netball, but in a range of everyday exercises and activities. One reason it is so common is due to the simultaneous joint rotations, which often result in a straight line motion. Within this straight line, highly accurate movements can be produced (Blazevich, 2010). Contrasting to a throw-like movement, the push-like movement does not allow for great speeds to be reached. However, the netball shot does not require great speed, but an accurate and fluent action. Thus, the push-like motion proves highly suitable for this particular skill.

Additionally, it is important to note that the netball shot is an open kinetic chain movement. The open kinetic chain has an ‘open’ end which is able to move freely (Blazevich, 2010). For example, the beginning of the chain (shoulder) is fixed in position and the other end is free to move (hand). This movement pattern is very effective for completing a successful netball shot as it allows for accuracy as well as higher generation of force.

A netball shot is classified as a first-class lever. The first-class lever consists of the load at one end, effort at the other end and the fulcrum in the middle (Williams, 2017). Levers are used to enhance force, adding to force produced by the lower body muscles and making it easier to shoot the netball.

Figure 5: Diagram of a first-class lever, showing the relative positions of the load, fulcrum and effort (Williams, 2017).
Figure 6: Diagram showing the positions of the load, fulcrum and effort in a netball shot lever

Release Phase

Newton’s First and Second Laws
Newton’s first law of motion states “an object will remain at rest or continue to move with constant velocity as long as the net force equals zero” (Blazevich, 2010, p. 44). The force production phase consists of creating force through the body to shoot the netball. The amount of force produced will impact on the inertia of the ball and how far it will travel before being pulled down by gravity and slowed by air resistance. As discussed in the preparation phase, if the player is further from the goal post, they will need to produce more force for the ball to reach the ring. This point is also in conjunction with Newton’s second law of motion, acceleration, in that:
Force (F) = mass (m) x acceleration (a) (Blazevich, 2010, p.45).
The mass of the netball will remain constant. Depending on the player’s distance from the goal post, acceleration will either be faster or slower and therefore the force will be larger or smaller.

Projectile Motion
The action of shooting a netball shot causes the netball to be a projectile. Gravity and air resistance are the two forces that act on a projectile (McGinnis, 2013). Shooting a successful netball shot however, requires not just movement of the ball but accuracy. There are three important release parameters that impact the release stage of a netball shot: release speed, angle and height (Zatsiorsky, 2008). Release height varies between individuals, due to one’s height and arm length and is held constant. If the release angle is also held constant, the release speed determines the apex (highest point) and the range (distance travelled) of the netball (Zatsiorsky, 2008). The size of the release angle depends on the distance from the goal ring. For a shot just under the ring, the release angle will be very high with lesser speed and for a shot four metres from the ring, the release angle will be slightly lower with greater speed to cover the longer distance to the ring. A netball shooter needs to be able to correctly alter their release speed and angle in order to score a goal.

          Figure 7: Images showing release height and release angle of a shot very close to the goal post.
Figure 8: Images showing release height and release angle of a shot far from the goal post.

Magnus Effect
During the release of the ball, an effective player will ‘flick’ their wrist and fingers in the follow though, causing backspin on the ball along with what is known as the Magnus effect. The Magnus effect is caused by a pressure differential on either side of the object. Due to the friction between the air and the ball, when the ball spins backwards, it ‘grabs’ the air flowing past it at the bottom and these air particles spin with the ball (Blazevich, 2010). The air spinning with the ball comes into contact with the oncoming air, while the air on the top flows freely, resulting in the ball spinning backwards (Blazevich, 2010). The advantage of spinning the netball backwards and creating the Magnus effect is that if the ball hits the edge of the ring it will slow down and increase the chances of it falling into the net, rather than bouncing over it (Steele, 1993).
       Figure 9: Diagram showing the Magnus effect pressure differential on the netball spinning backwards.
 Potential/Kinetic Energy
As the netball is released, it changes from having potential energy to kinetic energy. As the mass of the netball is held constant, the velocity of the netball is the greatest factor in the amount of kinetic energy the netball possesses (Blazevich, 2010).

How else can we use this information?
The information discussed in this blog can be used in a number of different applications. A netball shot is similar to a basketball and korfball shot. The biomechanical principles of balance, base of support, distance from goal post, kinetic chain, push like movement, Newton’s laws, levers, projectile motion, and Magnus effect can all be transferred from a successful netball shot to a successful basketball or korfball shot. The Magnus effect can also transfer to sports such as tennis, soccer, golf, cricket and volleyball as spin is placed on the ball for an advantage in each of these sports.

The information discussed in force production can be useful to netball shooters in that they understand the major muscle and joint groups used in a netball shot and can strengthen these to make shooting more successful for them. 

The successful netball shot technique discussed in this blog using biomechanical principles can be used in teaching and coaching netball. This information can equip teachers and coaches with the means of teaching a successful shooting technique to young children, which will significantly aid them if they continue playing netball or other sports throughout their lives.

In conclusion, whilst an effective skill pattern varies slightly between individuals for a successful netball shot, the discussed biomechanical principles can be used by coaches, teachers or the player themselves to improve shooting technique and increase success. Ensuring a solid base of support, using a simultaneous push-like movement, adjusting to the distance from the goal post and creating the Magnus effect are all important biomechanical principles that should be used by a player to construct their most effective netball shooting technique.

Reference List
BBC Sport. (2005, October). Netball: shooting. Retrieved from http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/other_sports/netball/4187548.stm

Blazevich, A. (2010). Sports biomechanics the basics: Optimising human performance. (2nd ed). London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

Knudson, D. (2007). Fundamentals of biomechanics: Department of Kinesiology. California Springer Publishing. 2, 4-334.

McGinnis, P. (2013). Biomechanics of sport and exercise. USA: Human Kinetics.

Netball Australia,. (2015). What is Netball? - Netball Australia. Retrieved 15 June 2017, from http://netball.com.au/our-game/what-is-netball/.

Steele, J. ( 1993). Biomechanical factors affecting performance in netball. Department of Biomedical Science. 3, pp. 1-18.

Walshe, C. (2014). Australia extends netball winning run over New Zealand to six tests with 59-42 thrashing. Retrieved from http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/sport/netball/australia-extends-netball-winning-run-over-new-zealand-to-six-tests-with-5942-thrashing/news-story/49d14762a19fe525d972b0c339478b63

Williams, K. (2017). Angular Motion & Levers. Lecture presented at Flinders University, 10-05-17.

Zatsiorsky, V. (2008). Biomechanics in Sport. Great Britain: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.